A retreat can be stockpiled with supplies as well as have all the necessary gardening, shelter, and water systems to remain self-reliant. Regardless - information is critical. Beside being able to possibly quench the unbelievable thirst for knowledge of what is happening in the outside world - communications within the retreat group is needed.
Whether it be for tactical or merely for observational reasons - communication is very important.
2-Way Radio Equipment:
QTY: 03 Midland GXT760 36-mile 42 Channel FRS/GMRS Two-Way Radio's, pairs
*****above is 3 pairs of 2 radio's providing the group of 4 one extra set as a spare
QTY: 01 2 meter HAM antenna
QTY: 01 Repeater Directory
QTY: 01 Cobra CB Radio Antenna
QTY: 02 Sony Pocket AM/FM Radio